레이블이 paul weller인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 paul weller인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2012. 11. 24.

edit piaf

Edith Piaf  1915-1963

"La vie en rose" [1946]
en live, le 4 mars 1954

내 시선을 떨구게 하는 눈
Des yeux qui font baisser les miens
입가에서 사라진 웃음

Un rire qui se perd sur sa bouche
 매만질 필요가 없는 얼굴

Voilà le portrait sans retouche
전 그 남자의 것이에요

De l’homme auquel j’appartiens
그가 나를 품에 안고
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
낮은 목소리로 속삭일 때

Il me parle tout bas
내게 삶은 장밋빛이에요

Je vois la vie en rose
그가 사랑의 말들을 해주면

Il me dit des mots d’amour
일상적인 말이라도

Des mots de tous les jours
뭔가가 떠올라요

Et ça me fait quelque chose
그는 내 마음에 들어와서

Il est entré dans mon coeur
행복의 일부가 되었죠

Une part de bonheur
그 이유를 이미 알고 있는.

Dont  je connais la cause
그는 나를 위해, 난 그를 위해 존재해요
C’est lui pour moi, moi pour lui dans la vie
그는 내게 말하고 영원히 맹세했지요.

Il me l’a dit, l’a juré pour la vie
그를 알아차리는 순간부터
Et dès que je l’aperçois
내 마음이 뛰는 걸
Alors je sens en moi

느낄 수 있어요.
Mon coeur qui bat

끝없는 사랑의 밤
Des nuits d’amour à plus finir
제자리를 잡은 커다란 행복

Un grand bonheur qui prend sa place
근심과 고통도 사라지고

Les ennuis, les chagrins s’effacent
죽도록 행복해요
Heureux, heureux à en mourir


* 파리의 연인들
 les amants de paris

Les amants de Paris couchent sur ma chanson
A Paris les amants s'aiment à leur façon
Les refrains que je leur dis
C'est plus beau que les beaux jours
Ça fait des tas de printemps et le printemps fait l'amour.
Mon couplet s'est perdu
Sur les bords d'un jardin
On ne me l'a jamais rendu
Et pourtant je sais bien
Que les amants de Paris m'ont volé mes chansons
A Paris les amants ont de drôles de façons...

Les amants de Paris se font à Robinson
Quand on marque des points à coups d'accordéon
Les amants de Paris vont changer de saison
En traînant par la main mon petit brin de chanson.
Y a plein d'or, plein de lilas
Et des yeux pour les voir
D'habitude c'est comme ça
Que commencement les histoires
Les amants de Paris se font à Robinson
A Paris les amants ont de drôles de façons.

J'ai la chaîne d'amour au bout de mes deux mains
Y a des millions d'amants et je n'ai qu'un refrain
On y voit tout autour les gars du monde entier
Qui donneraient bien le printemps pour venir s'aligner
Pour eux c'est pas beaucoup
Car des beaux mois de mai
J'en ai collé partout
Dans leurs calendriers...
Les amants de Paris ont usé mes chansons
A Paris les amants s'aiment à leur façon

Donnez-moi des chansons
Pour qu'on s'aime à Paris...

* L'hymne à l'amour
사랑의 찬가

 우리 위의 푸른 하늘이 무너져 내리고
Le ciel bleu sur nous peut s'effondrer
땅이 무너진다고 해도
Et la Terre peut bien s'écrouler

당신이 날 사랑한다면
Peu m'importe si tu m'aimes
무슨 상관 있겠어요

Je me fous du monde entier
아침마다 사랑이 넘쳐흐르고
Tant que l'amour inondera mes matins
당신 손길에 내 몸이 떨리는 한
Tant que mon corps frémira sous tes mains

아무런 문제 없어요
Peu m'importent les problèmes
내 사랑, 당신이 날 사랑하는 한

Mon amour puisque tu m'aimes
난 세상 끝까지라도 가겠어요
J'irais jusqu'au bout du monde
머리도 금발로 물들이겠어요
Je me ferais teindre en blonde

당신이 원한다면
Si tu me le demandais

달도 따러 가겠어요
J'irais décrocher la Lune
재산도 훔치러 갈 거에요
J'irais voler la fortune

당신이 원하기만 한다면
Si tu me le demandais

고국도 버리고
Je renierais ma patrie
친구들도 버리겠어요
Je renierais mes amis

당신이 원하신다면
Si tu me le demandais

사람들이 날 비웃어도 좋아요
On peut bien rire de moi
난 무엇이든 할 거에요
Je ferais n'importe quoi

당신이 원하신다면
Si tu me le demandais

어느날 당신을 내게서 앗아간다고 해도
Et si un jour la vie t'arrache à moi
당신이 죽어서 내 곁을 떠난다고 해도
Si tu meures que tu sois loin de moi

당신이 날 사랑한다면 아무런 문제 없어요
Peu m'importe si tu m'aimes

나 역시 죽을 테니까
Car moi je mourrai aussi

우리는 영원히 함께 하는 거에요
Et nous aurons pour nous l'éternité
거대한 하늘 아래서
Dans le bleu de toute l'immensité
더이상 문제 없는 하늘 아래서

Dans le ciel plus de problèmes
내 사랑, 우리가 서로 사랑한다는 걸 당신도 믿으시죠

Mon amour crois-tu qu'on s'aime

사랑하는 연인들을 신께선 맺어주실 거에요

Dieu reunit ceux qui s'aiment

* 파리의 하늘 아래
Sous le ciel de Paris

파리의 하늘 아래
Sous le ciel de Paris
노래 한 곡이 날아가네
S'envole une chanson

Hum Hum
노래는 오늘 태어났어
Elle est née d'aujourd'hui

소년의 가슴 속에서
Dans le cœur d'un garçon 

파리의 하늘 아래
Sous le ciel de Paris
연인들이 걸어가네
Marchent des amoureux

Hum Hum

그들의 사랑도 피어나네
Leur bonheur se construit

이들을 위해 만들어진 노래 위로
Sur un air fait pour eux 

베르시 다리 아래
Sous le pont de Bercy

철학자 한 명과
Un philosophe assis

두 음악가, 몇몇 구경꾼이 앉아 있네
Deux musiciens quelques badauds

그리고 수많은 사람들
Puis les gens par milliers

파리의 하늘 아래에선
Sous le ciel de Paris

저녁까지 노래를 부르네
Jusqu'au soir vont chanter

Hum Hum
그들의 오랜 도시를 사랑하는

L'hymne d'un peuple épris
사람들의 노래

De sa vieille cité 
노트르담 근처에선
Près de Notre Dame
이따금 사건이 일어나지만 

Parfois couve un drame
Oui mais à Paname

모든 게 잘 풀릴 수 있지
Tout peut s'arranger

Quelques rayons
몇 줄기 햇살이라면
Du ciel d'été


D'un marinier
희망이 피어오르네
L'espoir fleurit

파리의 하늘로
Au ciel de Paris 

파리의 하늘 아래
Sous le ciel de Paris

기쁨의 강물도 흐르네
Coule un fleuve joyeux

Hum Hum
가난뱅이와 부랑자도

Il endort dans la nuit
밤이면 잠든다네
Les clochards et les gueux

파리의 하늘 아래
Sous le ciel de Paris

Les oiseaux du Bon Dieu

Hum Hum
세계에서 찾아와

Viennent du monde entier
서로 지저귀네

Pour bavarder entre eux 
그리고 파리의 하늘은
Et le ciel de Paris
비밀을 간직하고 있지

A son secret pour lui
스무 세기 동안
Depuis vingt siècles il est épris

생루이 섬을 연모해왔네
De notre Ile Saint Louis

섬이 웃어주면
Quand elle lui sourit

하늘도 푸른 옷을 걸치고
Il met son habit bleu

Hum Hum
파리에 비가 내리는 건
Quand il pleut sur Paris
하늘도 불행하기 때문이야

C'est qu'il est malheureux
수많은 연인들에게
Quand il est trop jaloux

행여 질투심이 들 때면
De ses millions d'amants

Hum Hum
으르렁거리는 거야

Il fait gronder sur eux
천둥이 울리면서

Son tonnerr' éclatant
하지만 파리의 하늘은
Mais le ciel de Paris

그리 오랫동안 잔인하진 않아
N'est pas longtemps cruel

Hum Hum
용서 받기 위해

Pour se fair' pardonner
무지개를 보내주니까
Il offre un arc-en-cie


* 빠담 빠담
Padam padam

밤낮으로 나를 사로잡는 그 노래
Cet air qui m'obsède jour et nuit
그 노랜 어제오늘 떠오르는 것이 아니야
Cet air n'est pas né d'aujourd'hui

내가 태어날 때부터만큼이나 오래된 이 노래
Il vient d'aussi loin que je viens
수많은 음악가들이 불러왔지

Traîné par cent mille musiciens
어느날 나를 미치게 할 이 노래
Un jour cet air me rendra folle

수백번이나 그 이유를 설명하고 싶었지만
Cent fois j'ai voulu dire pourquoi

말문이 막히고 말았지
Mais il m'a coupé la parole
노래는 언제나 나보다 먼저 말하고
Il parle toujours avant moi
언제나 내 목소리를 뒤덮어 버리거든

Et sa voix couvre ma voix
빠담 빠담 빠담
내 뒤를 따라오는 이 노래

Il arrive en courant derrière moi
빠담 빠담 빠담
'자신을 기억하라'고 하는 그 노래
Il me fait le coup du souviens-toi

빠담 빠담 빠담
나를 가리키는 그 노래

C’est un air qui me montre du doigt
숱한 실수처럼 나도 모르게 끌려 다니지

et je traine apres moi comme une drole d’erreur
모든 걸 꿰뚫어보는 이 노래에.
Cet air qui sait tout par coeur

노래는 이렇게 말해 "네 사랑을 떠올려봐.
Il dit: "Rappelle-toi tes amours
기억해. 이젠 네 차례니.
Rappelle-toi puisque c'est  ton tour

굳이 눈물을 참을 필요는 없어.
'y a pas d'raison pour qu'tu n'pleures pas

여전히 간직하고 있는 추억 때문에"
Avec tes souvenirs sur les bras ». 

그러면 내게 남은 것들을 돌아보죠
Et moi je revois ceux qui restent
내 스무 해는 북소리처럼 요동치고
Mes vingt ans font battre tambour

손짓들은 서로 부딪치는데
Je vois s'entrebattre des gestes
한 편의 희극 같은 사랑은 모두

Toute la comédie des amours
 노래에 실려 흘러간다네

Sur cet air qui va toujours
빠담 빠담 빠담
7월 14일의 '사랑한다'는 그 말처럼
Ces "je t’aime » de 14 juillet

빠담 빠담 빠담

할인 때 구입하는 '언제나'라는 말들
Des "toujours" qu'on achète au rabais

빠담 빠담 빠담
무더기로 잔뜩 쌓여 있는 것들

Ces veux-tu en voila par parquets
길모퉁이까지 늘어서 있는 것.

Et tout ca pour tomber jusqu’au coin d’ la rue
나를 알아보는 그 노래 위에

Sur cet air qui m’a reconnue
그 노래가 빚어낸 소란을 들어봐
Écoutez le chahut qu'il me fait
내 과거도 흘러가는 것만 같아.

Comme si tout mon passe defilait
훗날을 위해서라도 슬픔은 견뎌야 해

Faut garder du chagrin pour après
아직도 노래를 간직하고 있지
 J'en ai tout un solfège sur cet air qui bat
나무로 만든 심장처럼 울리는 그 노래

Qui bat comme un cœur de bois.
* 후회하지 않아
Non! Je ne regrette rien

아니야 그 무엇도!
Non! Rien de rien
아니야 난 그 무엇도 후회하지 않아
Non! Je ne regrette rien

내가 겪었던 좋은 일도
Ni le bien qu´on m´a fait

나쁜 일도 모두 마찬가지일 뿐
Ni le mal tout ça m´est bien égal! 

아니야 그 무엇도!
Non! Rien de rien
아니야 난 그 무엇도 후회하지 않아

Non! Je ne regrette rien
이미 끝난 일이고, 잊혀진 일이야

C´est payé, balayé, oublié
과거 따윈 신경쓰지 않겠어
Je me fous du passé! 

과거의 추억은
Avec mes souvenirs

불쏘시개로 써버렸어
 J´ai allumé le feu

기쁨이든, 고통이든
Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs

그 무엇도 더이상 필요하지 않아
Je n´ai plus besoin d´eux!

Balayées les amours
떨리는 감동도

Et tous leurs trémolos
모두 지나간 이야기

Balayés pour toujours
난 처음부터 다시 시작하리

Je repars à zéro  
아니야 그 무엇도!
Non! Rien de rien
아니야 난 그 무엇도 후회하지 않아
Non! Je ne regrette rien

내가 겪었던 좋은 일도
Ni le bien qu´on m´a fait

나쁜 일도 모두 마찬가지일 뿐
Ni le mal tout ça m´est bien égal!

아니야 그 무엇도!
Non! Rien de rien
아니야 난 그 무엇도 후회하지 않아

Non! Je ne regrette rien
내 삶도, 기쁨도
Car ma vie, car mes joies
지금 이 순간, 당신과 함께 시작하리

Aujourd´hui, ça commence avec toi!

* 사랑이 무슨 소용이람?
A quoi ça sert, l’amour?

사랑이 무슨 소용이람?
A quoi ça sert, l’amour?
사람들은 언제나 말해
On raconte toujours
바보 같은 이야기들을
Des histoires insensées
사랑한다고 뭐가 나아져?
A quoi ça sert d’aimer?

사랑은 설명할 수 있는 게 아냐
L’amour ne s’explique pas!
그저 그런 것
C’est une chose comme ça!
아무도 모르는 곳에서 찾아와

Qui vient on ne sait d’où
당신을 갑자기 낚아채는 것
Et vous prend tout à coup.

난 그렇게 들었어Moi, j’ai entendu dire
사랑은 우리를 고통스럽게 하고

Que l’amour fait souffrir,
사랑은 우리를 눈물 짓게 한다고
Que l’amour fait pleurer,
사랑이 무슨 소용이람?
A quoi ça sert d’aimer?

사랑이 무슨 소용 있냐고?
L’amour, ça sert à quoi?
우리에겐 기쁨을 주지

A nous donner d’la joie
물론 눈물과 함께

Avec des larmes aux yeux…
사랑은 슬프면서도 멋진 거야

C’est triste et merveilleux!

하지만 사람들은 종종 말하지
Pourtant on dit souvent
사랑은 우리를 속인다고
Que l’amour est décevant
둘 중 하나는
Qu’il y a un sur deux
결코 행복하지 않다고
Qui n’est jamais heureux…

하지만 사랑은 놓쳤을 때조차
Même quand on l’a perdu
L’amour qu’on a connu
달콤함을 선사하지

Vous laisse un gout de miel
사랑은 영원한 거야
L’amour c’est éternel! 


그래 모든 게 좋아Tout ça c’est très joli,
하지만 모든 게 끝난 뒤에는
Mais quand tout est fini
아무 것도 남지 않는 걸
Il ne vous reste rien
커다란 고통 외에는

Qu’un immense chagrin…


Tout ce qui maintenant
가슴 아프게만 느껴져도

Te semble déchirant
내일은 네게
Demain, sera pour toi
행복한 추억이 될 거야

Un souvenir de joie! 

결국 내가 이해하기로는En somme, si j’ai compris,
우리 삶에 사랑 없이는

Sans amour dans la vie,
기쁨도 고통도 없고
Sans ses joies, ses chagrins,
우리 삶도 가치 없는 것
On a vécu pour rien?

그래 나를 봐

Mais oui! Regarde-moi!
그렇게 믿고 있고

A chaque fois j’y crois!
언제나 그렇게 믿을 거야

Et j’y croirait toujours… 
그래서 사랑이 쓸모 있는 것
Ça sert à ça l’amour! 

당신은 마지막 사랑
Mais toi, tu es le dernier!
당신은 내 첫 사랑

Mais toi’ tu es le premier!
당신 전에는 아무 것도 없었고

Avant toi y avait rien
당신으로 인해 즐거워졌어

Avec toi je suis bien 

내가 원했던 건 당신
C’est toi que je voulais!
내게 필요한 것도 당신

C’est toi qu’il me fallait!
언제나 내가 사랑하는 것도 당신

Toi que j’aimerais toujours…
그래서 사랑은 쓸모 있는 것
Ça sert à ça l’amour!


+ eggplant - michael franks

whenever i explore the land of yen
i always take one on the chin
and now this lioness has almost made me tame.
i can't pronounce her name but eggplant is her game.
the lady sticks to me like white on rice.
she never cooks the same way twice.
maybe it's the mushrooms.
i can't reveal her name but eggplant is her game.
when my baby cooks her eggplant,
she don't read no book.
she's got a Giocanna kinda of dirty look
and my baby cooks her eggplant,
about 19 different ways.
sometimes i just have it raw with mayonnaise.
maybe its the way she grates her cheese,
or just the freckles on her knees.
maybe its the scallions.
maybe she's Italian.
i can't reveal her name but eggplant is her game.
when my baby cooks her eggplant,
she don't read no book.
she's got a giocanna kinda of dirty look.
and my baby cooks her eggplant,
about 19 different ways.
or just the freckles on her knees.
maybe its the scallions.
maybe she's italian.
i can't reveal her name but eggplant is her game.
when my baby cooks her eggplant,
she don't read no book.
she's got a giocanna kinda of dirty look.
and my baby cooks her eggplant,
about 19 different ways.
sometimes i just have it raw with mayonnaise.

2012. 8. 20.

our favorite shop - the style council


side a.

1. shout to the top! (usa remix)

i was half in mind - i was half in need,
and as the rain came down - i dropped to my knees and prayed

i said "oh heavenly thing - please cleanse my soul,
i've seen all on offer and I'm not impressed at all".

i was halfway home - i was half insane,
and every shop window i looked in just looked the same

i said send me a sign to save my life
'cause at this moment in time there is nothing certain in
these day's of mine

y'see it's a frightening thing when it dawns upon you
that i know as much as the day i was born

and though i wasn't asked (i might as well stay)
and promise myself each and every day - that -

when you're knocked on your back - an' your life's a flop
and when you're down on the bottom there's nothing else

but to shout to the top - shout!

2. walls come tumbling down

album commercial on t.v. 1985

3. our favorite shop

4. with everything to lose


from the playground to the wasteground
hope ends at 17 -
sweeping floors and filling shelves
forced into government schemes -
11 years spent to dig out ditches,
forget your schoolday dreams -
guarantees and lie-filled speeches,
but nothings what it seems -
qualified and patronised and with everything to lose.
no choice or chance for the future
the rich enjoy less tax -
dress the girls in pretty pink
the shit goes to the blacks
a generation's heart torn out
and covered up the facts
the only thing they'll understand
is a wall against their backs
the only hope now left for those - with everything to lose.

in desperation empty eyes,
signed up and thrown away -
there's drugs replacing dignity,
the short sharp shock repaid -
there'll be no money if you dare to question
working the tory way -
the truth is up there carved in stone,
where 21 dead now lay -
a family's loss for a few pounds saved -
with everything to lose.

5. luck

6. the lodger (or she was only a shopkeeper's daughter)

original version

single version

no peace for the wicked - only war on the poor
they're batting on pickets - trying to even the score
it's all inclusive - the dirt comes free
and you can be all that you want to be
oh an equal chance and an equal pay
but equally there's no equal pay
there's room on top - if you tow the line
and if you believe all this you must be out of your mind

there's only room for those the same
those who play the leeches game
don't get settled in this place
the lodger's terms are in disgrace

getcha brains blown out - in a captain's mess
stand for the queen if you can stand the test
it's all thrown in and the lies come free
and you can be all that they want you to be

oh if you work hard you can be the boss
but if you don't work at all then that's nobody's loss
there's room on top - if you dig in low
and the idea is what they reap you sow

with an old school tie and a reference
you can cover up crimes in their defence
it's all thrown in and the lies come free
and you can be all that they want you to be

7. down in the seine

catch me i'm falling so fast and i can't seem to find
all the reasons i had when the purpose was mine
now i stumble so fast rolling into the night
kiss me quick before i land and am broken in two
keep me on the right track, hold my dreams in tact too -
i get lost in this place - i get lost, yes it's true

quand on n'a plus rien en soi - quand on n'a plus de refuge -
quand on ne peut plus fuir - quand on ne sais on courir
noir comme la nuit - oui, noir comme mon ame -
noir comme les eaux - dans lesquels je sombre

help me i'm sinking so fast into waters unplanned
that i once held onto but have got out of hand
now the things that i loved are the things i can't stand

squeeze me slow before i come to that part of the ground
it's a million miles up and a million miles down
i get lost in between and i wait to be found

quand on n'a plus rien en soi - quand on n'a plus de refuge -
quand on ne peut plus fuir - quand on ne sais ou courir -
noir comme la nuit - oui, noir comme mon ame -
noir comme les eaux - dans lesquels je sombre

and in the waters i sink and in the waters i drink
until i rise to the top which in truth is not
to make you feel your alright, to make you feel there's no fight -

side b.

8. a man of great promise

paul weller live

9.boy who cried wolf

10. the stand-up comics instructions

11. a stone throw away

for liberty there is a cost - it's broken skulls and leather cosh,
from the boys in uniform - now you know whose side their on -
with backing - with blessing,
from earthly gods not heaven,
a stones throw away from it all.

whatever pleasures those who get - from stripping skin with rhino whip,
are the kind that must be stopped - before their kind take all we've got -
with loving - with caring,
they take great pride in working,
the stones throw away from it all.

whenever honesty persists - you'll hear the snap of broken ribs,
of anyone who'll take no more - of the lying bastards roar -
in chile - in poland,
johannesburg - south yorkshire,
a stones throw away: now we're there.

12. internationalists

if you believe you have an equal share
in the whole wide world and all it bears
an' that your share is no less or more than
your fellow sisters and brother man
then take this knowledge and with it insist
declare yourself - an internationalist!

if you lay no blame at the feet of next door
an' realise this struggle is also yours
an' that without the strength of us altogether
the world as it stands will remain forever
then take this challenge and make it exist!
rise up as - an internationalist!

if your eyes see deeper than the colour of skin
then you must also see we are the same within
an' the rights you expect are the rights of all
now it's up to you to lead the call
that liberty must come at the top of the list
stand proud as - an internationalist!

if you see the mistake in having bosses at all
you will also see how they all must fall
for under this system there is no such thing
as the democracy our leaders would have us sing
no time for lies now as only truth must persist
rise up now and declare yourself - an internationalist!

13. come to milton keyens

14. all gone away

the wind blows whispers down the street,
having free reign with the town so bleak -
like everything else it's - all gone away.
the town hall clock gives forth it's chime,
for no-one there to ask the time -
like everything else they've - all gone away.

the grocer's shop hangs up it's sign
the sign say's closed it's a sign of the times -
like everything else they've - all gone away.

but somewhere the party never ends
and greedy hands rub together again -
shipping out the profits that they've stolen

an eerie wail comes from the pit,
the ghosts of the men take the morning shift -
just like clockwork - rusting away.

come take a walk upon these hills
and see how monetarism kills -
whole communities -
even families -
there's nothing left so - they've all gone away.

15. homebreakers

good morning day, how do you do
i wonder - what will you do for me?
i should be on my way, i should be earning pay,
i should be all the things that i'm not -
and i've tried on my own, now there's nothing to keep me at home,
like my brother has too - gotta leave to get out of this view,
you see they, tell you to move around -
if you can't find work in your own town.

as i rise from my bed i can hear the old man
blaming heaven & mother for this
30 years with one firm, 13 months redundant,
yes i'd say that's unlucky for some -

now our tears fall like rain, as my mother walks me to my train,
with a kiss & a wave - "come home weekends" - that's if i can save.
i swear i'll take it out on the man -
who ever devised this economy plan.

all the love in the world - can't put - dinner on the table -
all the hate that i feel no love could put right

good morning day, how do you do
i wonder - what will you do for me?
i should be on my way, i should be earning pay,
i should be all the things that i'm not -

and i've tried on my own, now there's nothing to keep me at home,
all the love and the strength has been taken by this government,
you see they, tell you to move around -
if you can't find work in your own town.

father's in the kitchen, counting out coins,
mother's in the bedroom, looking through pictures of her boys,
one is in london, looking for a job,
the other's in whitehall - looking for those responsible!

+ 16. shout to the top!

17. long hot summer

18. speak like child