레이블이 g-pop인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 g-pop인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2012. 12. 9.

einstürzende neubauten

Einstürzende Neubauten
sabrina from "Silence is Sexy" (2000)
Stella Maris
Die Sonne
Nagorny Karabach  from "Alles Wieder Offen" [2007]
Einstürzende Neubauten - from the film "1/2 Mensch"
BERLIN LIVE 2011 - Einstürzende Neubauten, Caspar Brötzmann Massaker, Wire [ZDFKultur]
* The Garden from "Ende Neu" [1996]

2012. 7. 22.

der himmel über berlin 2

나는 영화음악을 별로 안 좋아하는데, 한참 후에야 그건 영화를 좋아해야 영화음악도 좋아할 수 있는데 나는 영화를 그리 좋아하지 않는다는 것을 알았다. 나는 영화를 보려가거나 보는 걸 좋아하지 않는데, 그래도 가히 엄청난 영화들을 봤다. 특히 고전적인 중요한 영화들을, 그리하여 나는 영화에 대해 모르고, 말하지 않기로 했다.

그래도 좋아하는 영화들이 있는데, 그중에서도 음악이 좋은 영화가 있다. 이 영화를 나는 빔 벤더스의 영화들 중 가장 좋아하는데 개봉 당시 극장에서 영화를 보다가 영화도 무척이나 사실은 너무 좋았지만, 그 흑백의 감도나, 페터 한트케의 앞부분 어린시절에 대한 시들이나, 이미지나, 위르겐 크나이퍼의 오리지널 스코어 음악이나, 피터 포크의 등장이나!, 주연을 맡은 브루노 간츠나 다 좋았지만,

그래도 내가 음악을 좀 듣는 편이라 새로운 음악을 듣고서 감동하는 경우는 사실대로 말하자면 극히 드물다. 아스토르 피아졸라를 듣다가 다른 누군가의 반도네온 연주에 감동받기는 어려운 일이니까. 그런데 이 영화를 보다가 처음부터 음악이 심상치 않다고 느꼈는데 ... 여주인공이 클럽으로 들어가는 순간 흘러나오는 음악이 뭔가 아주 심상치 않다고 느꼈는데, 무대에는 내가 처음보는 어떤 가수가 요즘 말로 아주 '쉬크한' 폼으로 앉아 있다가 노래를 시작하는데(아래 첫번째 동영상 - nick cave and the seeds - the carney/from her to eternity), 거의 의자에서 일어나 박수를 치고 싶은 심정이었다. 나는 거의 의자에서 떨어져 기절하는 줄 알았다!

이렇게 잘 하고 좋을 수가! 이렇게 쿨하고 멋질 수가! 이런 날은 내 음악 듣기 인생에 거의 없는 드문 날이다. 새로운 좋은, 그리고 이 경우에는 멋진 음악을 하나 더 발견하는 날, 그날이 바로 내가 닉 케이브를 처음 알게 된 날이다. 이게 영화가 우리나라서 개봉하던 1987년 혹은 1988년이 일이다.

그리고 시간이 흘러 프랑스에 유학을 갔는데 파리에 닉 케이브가 온다는 것이었다. 이건 <no more shall we part> 투어였으니 아마도 앨범이 발표된 2001년 혹은 2002년의 일일 것이다. 나는 당장 표를 사서 파리 올랭피아 공연장으로 달려갔는데, 들어가서 늘 하던대로 '관객의 사회학적 분포도를 조사하다가' 놀랄만한 사실을 발견했다. 2000명은 될 관객의 분포도가 99% 20대 초반 여성 관객이었다. 남자는 열 혹은 스무 명에 하나였다. 희한한 경험이었다. 난 즉시 닉 케이브가 데이비드 실비언 같은, 혹은 좀 유명한 예를 들자면 스팅 같은 '물개' 류의 아티스트란 걸 알았다(하지만 스팅과는 비교할 수도 없는 압도적인 음악성을 갖고 있다, 뭐 스팅이 못한다는 건 아니지만). 일단 기타리스트가 믹 하비이니 ...

여하튼 감동의 공연이 끝나고 앵콜 시간이 왔는데, 이 여성들은 당연히 기립박수... 그런데 기립 박수가 5분, 10분을 이어져도 우리의 닉 케이브 님이 나오질 않는 것이었다. 그래서 아, 역시 이분은 앵콜을 하지 않는 쿨한 분이시구나, 혹은 오늘 너무 피곤해서? 하는 생각을 하는데, 공연장 천정에 불이 훤하게 들어왔다. 나가라는 얘기 ...

그래서 나가려는데, 아 이런, 이 20대 초반 여성분들, 그러니까 파리지엔님들이 그래도 계속 박수를 치는 것 아닌가! 내가 공연 수백개를 봤지만 이런 일은 처음이었다. 가히 '충성도가 대단히 높은 팬들'이었다 ...그러고도 5분인가를 더 기립박수를 하고서야, 닉 케이브 등장... 내 정말 앵콜 안 한다만, 오늘은 정성에 감동하여, 그럼 해드립니다 ... 하는 분위기로... 그리고 단 한곡을 하고 퇴장, 이번에도 앵콜 기립박수, 그런데 이번에는 역시 너무나도 쿨하게도 나오지 않았다, 이후 해산 ...

그리고 앨범들은 물론 쭉 찾아들었는데 불행히도 내가 갔던 <노 모어 쉘 위 파트> 앨범부터 좀 안 좋았다, 나는 닉 케이브의 마지막 시기를 본 것이다. 물론 그렇다고 닉 케이브가 맛이 갔다던가 한 것은 아니고(안 찾아봤지만 지금도 여전히 좋을 것이다), 다만 이전보다는 그래도 역시 못하다는 정도? 여하튼 그날 공연을 보고 나오는 파리의 밤공기는 유난히 시원하고 좋았다... 내게는 ...

여하튼 '그녀에게서 영원으로'(from her to eternity)라는 노래는 음악 취향상 완전 100% 내 취향이고, 가사도 보면 완전 미친 놈의 고백이랄까? 물론 가사는 별로 내 취향, 아니다 ... 그래도 영화는 정말 내가 너무 좋아하는 영화이다... 생각만 해도 행복해지는 영화라고 할까? 하여튼 일본제목인지 뭔지 <베를린의 하늘>(Der Himmel über Berlin)이라는 독어원제를 웬 <베를린 천사의 시>로 바꾼 것은 마음에 안들지만(영어와 불어 제명은 욕망의 날개, wings of desire / les ailes du desir), 그래도 내게는 너무 아름다운, 그러니까 '내가 좋아하는' 영화이다.



nick cave and the bad seeds - the carny + from her to eternity

Wings Of Desire (Zirkusmusik) - Laurent Petitgand           

Crime & the City Solution -- Six Bells Chime           

This is where it started
The trucks, the trees and her six bells
Now baby's going to look back home
I'm wearing my clean clothes
Yeah, I still got the ones you gave me
You've been treading some unsafe ground
And baby looks tired tonight
Out amongst the pikes and narrow streets
You go around
I hear the six bells, they're ringing
Yeah, the six bells they chime

Lay down your head now
You will sleep sound
I'll hold onto you
Through life's time
You're seventeen
You're seventeen at this time

I wear your silver ring
With your hand on my heart
Left you there with your gray eyes
Pack up their suitcase and leave
Raise my hand up to the sky
Now, don't you touch me
Don't you try
An age ago you wouldn't touch me
On the last day
We will always be fighting
A promise
A year of luxury
Perfect kiss
How long, my long lost,
Will the last day be
I'm innocent of you there
And you of me

And you will sleep sound
I'll hold onto you
In life's time
You're seventeen
You're seventeen at this time

I met you when you were a young girl
Years and years six bells back
Six bells passed above the two
On a pier in another time
When I drew your body close to mine
You held your head up high then
You reached inside then
I'd give you everything
At this time
My pretty one
My fearless one
You held your head up high then
My fearless one
From this time
My fearless one
My young pretty one
The six bells - I made them ring

Lay down your head now
You will sleep sound
I will hold onto you
Until death's time
You're seventeen at this time
You're seventeen at this time


            Jürgen Knieper - "Der alte Mercedes" (1987)

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - The Carny (5x5)

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds performing live at MTV's Live 'n' Loud
supporting "The Boatman's Call"

1x5: into my arms

der himmel über berlin 1


Wings of Desire (1987) - Dir. Wim Wenders           
'Wings of Desire' was the English title given to Wenders' 'Der Himmel über Berlin' (The Sky Over Berlin). Wenders' post-war Berlin is watched over by angels, invisible to all but children, who try to bring comfort to the city's inhabitants. One of the angels, Daniel, falls in love with a trapeze artist (Marian) and longs to become mortal. American actor Peter Falk, better known as 'Columbo' assists by explaining the joys of being human. Shot in black and white, the film changes to colour when the transformation is complete. The film was later remade by Hollywood as 'City of Angels' starring Nicolas Cage and Meg Ryan, but the original is far superior.



Peter Handke


*  Lied vom Kindsein 1           


Als das Kind Kind war,
ging es mit hängenden Armen,
wollte der Bach sei ein Fluß,
der Fluß sei ein Strom,
und diese Pfütze das Meer.
Als das Kind Kind war,
wußte es nicht, daß es Kind war,
alles war ihm beseelt,
und alle Seelen waren eins.
Als das Kind Kind war,
hatte es von nichts eine Meinung,
hatte keine Gewohnheit,
saß oft im Schneidersitz,
lief aus dem Stand,
hatte einen Wirbel im Haar
und machte kein Gesicht beim fotografieren.


* Song of Childhood


When the child was a child
It walked with its arms swinging,
wanted the brook to be a river,
the river to be a torrent,
and this puddle to be the sea.
When the child was a child,
it didn't know that it was a child,
everything was soulful,
and all souls were one.
When the child was a child,
it had no opinion about anything,
had no habits,
it often sat cross-legged,
took off running,
had a cowlick in its hair,
and made no faces when photographed.


Peter Handke



* Lied vom Kindsein 2           

Als das Kind Kind war,
war es die Zeit der folgenden Fragen:
Warum bin ich ich und warum nicht du?
Warum bin ich hier und warum nicht dort?
Wann begann die Zeit und wo endet der Raum?
Ist das Leben unter der Sonne nicht bloß ein Traum?
Ist was ich sehe und höre und rieche
nicht bloß der Schein einer Welt vor der Welt?
Gibt es tatsächlich das Böse und Leute,
die wirklich die Bösen sind?
Wie kann es sein, daß ich, der ich bin,
bevor ich wurde, nicht war,
und daß einmal ich, der ich bin,
nicht mehr der ich bin, sein werde?

* Song of Childhood

It was the time for these questions:
Why am I me, and why not you?
Why am I here, and why not there?
When did time begin, and where does space end?
Is life under the sun not just a dream?
Is what I see and hear and smell
not just an illusion of a world before the world?
Given the facts of evil and people.
does evil really exist?
How can it be that I, who I am,
didn't exist before I came to be,
and that, someday, I, who I am,
will no longer be who I am?


Peter Handke


* Lied vom Kindsein 3           

Als das Kind Kind war,
war es die Zeit der folgenden Fragen:
Warum bin ich ich und warum nicht du?
Warum bin ich hier und warum nicht dort?
Wann begann die Zeit und wo endet der Raum?
Ist das Leben unter der Sonne nicht bloß ein Traum?

* Song of Childhood

When the child was a child,
It was the time for these questions:
Why am I me, and why not you?
Why am I here, and why not there?
When did time begin, and where does space end?
Is life under the sun not just a dream?

Peter Handke


* Lied vom Kindsein 4           

Als das Kind Kind war,
genügten ihm als Nahrung Apfel, Brot,
und so ist es immer noch.
Als das Kind Kind war,
fielen ihm die Beeren wie nur Beeren in die Hand
und jetzt immer noch,
machten ihm die frischen Walnüsse eine rauhe Zunge
und jetzt immer noch,
hatte es auf jedem Berg
die Sehnsucht nach dem immer höheren Berg,
und in jeder Stadt
die Sehnsucht nach der noch größeren Stadt,
und das ist immer noch so,
griff im Wipfel eines Baums nach dem Kirschen in einem Hochgefühl
wie auch heute noch,
eine Scheu vor jedem Fremden
und hat sie immer noch,
wartete es auf den ersten Schnee,
und wartet so immer noch.
Als das Kind Kind war,
warf es einen Stock als Lanze gegen den Baum,
und sie zittert da heute noch.

* When the child was a child,
It was enough for it to eat an apple, ... bread,
And so it is even now.
When the child was a child,
Berries filled its hand as only berries do,
and do even now,
Fresh walnuts made its tongue raw,
and do even now,
it had, on every mountaintop,
the longing for a higher mountain yet,
and in every city,
the longing for an even greater city,
and that is still so,
It reached for cherries in topmost branches of trees
with an elation it still has today,
has a shyness in front of strangers,
and has that even now.
It awaited the first snow,
And waits that way even now.
When the child was a child,
It threw a stick like a lance against a tree,
And it quivers there still today.

Wings of Desire subway scene           

Damiel stands on the subway listening to everyone's worries, and comforts a depressed man.


"Wings of desire" library           

Just like in Tarkovsky`s "Stalker" in this remarkable movie of Win Wenders we can see a "thin line" between sound and picture, and thats is what I love. Enjoy.


            Jürgen Knieper - "Der alte Mercedes" (1987)           


Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - The Carny (5x5)           

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds performing live at MTV's Live 'n' Loud supporting "The Boatman's Call"

1x5: into my arms

2x5: brompton oratory

3x5: west country girl

4x5: far from me

5x5: the carny

Wings Of Desire (Zirkusmusik) - Laurent Petitgand 설명 펴기

"Der Himmel Uber Berlin" OST

Crime & the City Solution -- Six Bells Chime 설명 펴기

From the movie "Der Himmel über Berlin" ("Wings of desire"), by Wim Wenders


This is where it started
The trucks, the trees and her six bells
Now baby's going to look back home
I'm wearing my clean clothes
Yeah, I still got the ones you gave me
You've been treading some unsafe ground
And baby looks tired tonight
Out amongst the pikes and narrow streets
You go around
I hear the six bells, they're ringing
Yeah, the six bells they chime

Lay down your head now
You will sleep sound
I'll hold onto you
Through life's time
You're seventeen
You're seventeen at this time

I wear your silver ring
With your hand on my heart
Left you there with your gray eyes
Pack up their suitcase and leave
Raise my hand up to the sky
Now, don't you touch me
Don't you try
An age ago you wouldn't touch me
On the last day
We will always be fighting
A promise
A year of luxury
Perfect kiss
How long, my long lost,
Will the last day be
I'm innocent of you there
And you of me

And you will sleep sound
I'll hold onto you
In life's time
You're seventeen
You're seventeen at this time

I met you when you were a young girl
Years and years six bells back
Six bells passed above the two
On a pier in another time
When I drew your body close to mine
You held your head up high then
You reached inside then
I'd give you everything
At this time
My pretty one
My fearless one
You held your head up high then
My fearless one
From this time
My fearless one
My young pretty one
The six bells - I made them ring

Lay down your head now
You will sleep sound
I will hold onto you
Until death's time
You're seventeen at this time
You're seventeen at this time


Nick Cave and the bad seeds-the Carny_ from her to eternity 설명 펴기


Wings of Desire(full movie, 1987) 1/8           

Set in the years preceeding the fall of the Berlin Wall Wings of Desire follows a group of characters that inhabit Berlin in its confusing and disjointed sepia toned world of Damien and Cassiel two angels who wander the world observing the goins on of the mortal worlds seen only by children.Damien begins to become curious about wanting to be human and becomes obsessed with a trapeeze artist named Marion and meets actor Peter Falk whose past is soon revealed.

2012. 7. 21.

expo 2000


내가 아는 최고의 미니멀리스트 + 인터액티브 사이트

 * expo 2000 remixes            
* Francois K + Rob Rives Mix


  Dynamic Illusion @ Mindfields - 2012 September - [Frisky Radio]



01. Kraftwerk - Expo 2000 (Francois K & Rob Rives Mix) [Kling Klang]
02. Terry Lee Brown Jr. feat Robert Manos - Wait (The Timewriter Remix) [Plastic City]
03. Justin Oh - All I Say (Soarsweep Intelligent Remix) [Silk Digital]
04. Guido Percich - Forest Sun (Original Mix) [G-Mohris Per-vurt Records]
05. Dmitry Molosh - The Labyrinth (Original Mix) [Reelaux Digital]
06. Andy Weed - Awakening (Kay-D Remix) [Reelaux Digital]
07. 2RocK - Purple Rose (Original Mix) [Unsigned Promo]
08. Oceanlab - Sirens of the Sea (Sonorous Remix) [Anjunabeats]
09. Valentin - VHS (Original Mix) [Macarize]
10. Gregory Esayan - Purple Clouds (Original Mix) [Arrival]
11. Avivii - Fade Into Darkness (Original Mix) [LE7ELS]
12. The Great Flood Catastrophe - Fallen Love (Kill Paris Remix)
13. Our Stolen Theory - Warmest Day (Originl Mix) [Silk Sofa]



* Expo 2000 Jingle
- for the world exhibition in Hannover, Germany



* EXPO 2000


* Expo 2000 (Kling Klang Mix 2002)
- Great Remix And Cool Video Of Kraftwerk EXPO 2OOO


* Expo 2000 Orbital Remix
Kraftwerk Expo 2000 Orbital Remix from Berlin House TV show


* Expo 2000 (Dj Rolando Mix)


* Expo 2000 (Ur Thought 3 Mix)


* Expo 2000 remix  


* Expo 2000 Kling Klang Mix (New beat) 2012  








 * Expo 2000 Alexampler Mix




* Expo 2000 (TV) 



kraftwerk @ moma, 2012 - 2

            Trans Europe Express           

NYMN was lucky enough to see Kraftwerk at MoMA. We enjoyed more than worked. Watch as our cameraman dares to film Trans Europe Express despite Henning Schmitz's icy gaze.

             Kometenmelodie 2

Europe Endless

Here are the unique songs from tonight's Retrospective 3 of Kraftwerk at MoMA - Museum of Modern Art, Trans Europe Express. My videos are a complete set, Franz Schubert and Endless Endless were left off much like Geiger Counter was in the Radioactivity night.

The Hall of Mirrors

Computer World

Home Computer

kraftwerk @ moma, 2012 - 1

Hitler reacts to Kraftwerk MoMa ticket limit !

There is a two ticket per person limit for the entire series. Once you have purchased two tickets, you will be unable to purchase tickets for any other Kraftwerk performance.

04/10 Autobahn
04/11 Radio-Activity
04/12 Trans Europe Express
04/13 The Man-Machine
04/14 Computer World
04/15 Techno Pop
04/16 The Mix
04/17 Tour de France

Hitler reacts to Kraftwerk MoMa ticket limit           

There is a two ticket per person limit for the entire series. Once you have purchased two tickets, you will be unable to purchase tickets for any other Kraftwerk performance.

04/10 Autobahn
04/11 Radio-Activity
04/12 Trans Europe Express
04/13 The Man-Machine
04/14 Computer World
04/15 Techno Pop
04/16 The Mix
04/17 Tour de France

Kraftwerk MoMA reaction           

Our son's reaction when we tell him that we got tickets to see Kraftwerk at MoMA

Kraftwerk Retrospective #1 at the MoMA "The Robots"           

Kraftwerk Autobahn live at MoMA           

Kraftwerk retrospective 4-9-12

Radioactivity - Kraftwerk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Retrospective #1 Autobahn at the MOMA NYC,  April 11th, 2012

Kraftwerk Retrospective #1 at the MoMA "Music Non-Stop"           

Kraftwerk Retrospective #1 at the MoMA "Tour de France"

kraftwerk - docus

Kraftwerk - TV Documentary 2001 (Full Version)           

Kraftwerk documentary, made by Malik Bendjelloul for Swedish TVs Pop i fokus in 2001. The Kraftwerk documentary features interviews with Karl Bartos, Wolfgang Flür, Björk, Moby, Karlheinz Stockhausen and Peter Saville.

The story of Kraftwerk (Part 1)           

This is the story of Kraftwerk, one of the most important Pioneers in electronic music. The content is from M:Cast http://www.myspace.com/mcastmusic


Kraftwerk "Der Katalog" (The Catalogue) unboxing           

We're unboxing "Der Katalog" (The Catalogue) - the long awaited 8 CD box set from Kraftwerk. It's an amazing set. A must have for all Kraftwerk fans. Go get it (we got ours from Amazon.de). This presentation was made by the staff at http://www.stickerswedes.com - proudly serving the indie scene with high quality vinyl stickers since '04.

Ralf And Florian: the Kraftwerk sitcom           

Just discovered in a Dusseldorf car boot sale is this rare pilot for the uncommissioned Kraftwerk sitcom, "Ralf and Florian". Shame it never made it, as Ralf Hutter has great comic timing and could have been the next Alf Garnet.

kraftwerk - 2, 1972


Kraftwerk - Klingklang           

"The nearly side-long effort "KlingKlang," which would later give the name to the band's studio and which predicts later lengthy efforts like "Autobahn," shows how the duo is still working toward its future styles. Steady beats are sometimes sped up and slowed down; more freeform performances on flute, violin, and keyboard remain present (rather than honing in on a core melody); and again, no vocals yet grace the recordings."


Kraftwerk - Atem           

Kraftwerk - Strom 설명 펴기

Kraftwerk - Strom

Kraftwerk - Spule 4           

Kraftwerk - Harmonika           

Kraftwerk in 10 minutes - Kraftwerk 2 (1972)           

01 Klingklang
02 Atem
03 Strom
04 Spule 4
05 Wellenlänge
06 Harmonika

Kraftwerk Kling Klang studio           

ich habe vor 2 monate in düsseldorf paar bilder und cilps kraftwerk kling klang studio machen nur außen

Kraftwerk - KlingKlang (live)           

A recording from Kraftwerk's experimental era.

Kraftwerk - Kling Klang (UK 1975. Live)           

kraftwerk - live


* minimum-maximum


Kraftwerk Live          




Kraftwerk - Live In Buenos Aires          

ralf und florian, 1973



Kraftwerk - Elektrisches Roulette           

Kraftwerk - 3rd Album: Ralf und Florian - Track 1, - Elektrisches Roulette.

Kraftwerk - Tongebirge            

  Tongebirge Morgenspaziergang (live in Leverkusen, Germany) 

  3:48 - Leverkusen 22th of April 1974

Kraftwerk - Kristallo

Kraftwerk Kristallo Album : Ralf & Florian (1973)

Kraftwerk - Heimatklange           

Kraftwerk Tanzmusik

Kraftwerk Tanzmusik Album : Ralf und Florian (Ralf & Florian) (1973).

Kraftwerk Tanzmusik 1973           

Edited here to exclude the speech at the start, for all us non-German speakers!

Kraftwerk - Tanzmusik (live in Denver, USA, 1975)

Pictures from a WDR boardcast from 1972

            Tanzmusik: Leverkusen 22th of April 1974

Kraftwerk - Ananas Symphonie           

Kraftwerk - Ananas Symphonie (Live In USA '74 - Frühwerke Comp)           

organisation - tone float, 1970



Organisation - Tone float           

Organisation(pre-Kraftwerk) Milk Rock           

ORGANISATION (pre Kraftwerk) - Silver Forest           

Krautrock / Psychedelic - German band ORGANISATION.

Performing "Silver Forest" from their only LP "TONE FLOAT"
released on the RCA label circa 1969/70.

This band featured RALF HUTTER and FLORIAN SCHNEIDER later on the founders of KRAFTWERK, here in those pre Electronic days with the band before KRAFTWERK exiosted, ORGANISATION formed in 1968 and split in 1970 after poor sales of first and only album, RCA dropped them.

Organisation - Rhythm salad

Organisation - Noitasinagro           


Krautrock - The Rebirth of Germany (BBC Documentary) - Full Version

BBC Four

Documentary which looks at how a radical generation of musicians created a new German musical identity out of the cultural ruins of war.

Between 1968 and 1977 bands like Neu!, Can, Faust and Kraftwerk would look beyond western rock and roll to create some of the most original and uncompromising music ever heard. They shared one common goal - a forward-looking desire to transcend Germany's gruesome past - but that didn't stop the music press in war-obsessed Britain from calling them Krautrock.

Music played
1. Popol Vuh — Aguirre I L'acrime de Rey
2. Jimi Hendrix — All Along the Watchtower
3. Richard Wagner — Siegfried's Funeral Music
4. Amon Düül II — Kannan
5. Amon Düül II — Luzifer's Ghilom
6. Popol Vuh — Wehe Khorazin
7. Popol Vuh — Aguirre II
8. Tangerine Dream — Phaedra
9. Cluster — Fur Die Katz
10. Tangerine Dream — Fly and collision of Cosmo Sola
11. CAN — Mother Sky
12. CAN — Vitamin C
13. Kraftwerk — Autobahn
14. Neu! — Hallogallo
15. Faust — Krautrock
16. Kraftwerk — Showroom Dummies
17. Kraftwerk — Geiger Counter
18. Kraftwerk — Radioactivity
19. Harmonia — Watussi
20. David Bowie — A New Career in a New Town

Kraut & Rüben - German Krautrock Documentary 

- WDR 2006 - episode 1, part 1

This is a documentary about Krautrock that was shown on WDR television in 2006. The documentary was aired in 6 episodes. This is part one of episode one.


kraftwerk and the electronic revolution

Kraftwerk and the electronic revolution - trailer [docu]

This is the trailer of the documentary film
"Kraftwerk and the electronic revolution" by Thomas Arnold

It`s a documentary about the early German electronic / Krautrock scene and the career of the Band Kraftwerk

Kraftwerk, and the Electronic revolution (1/19)           

Kraftwerk, and the Electronic revolution (19/19)            
