2012. 10. 18.

nam june paik

Nam June Paik: #1 Video Artist 
- A tribute to Nam June Paik, an innovative video artist.
History of Video Art: Nam June Paik and the use of the synthesizer
Nam June Paik, Joseph Beuys, John Cage, Charlotte Moorman
Nam June Paik in Germany 1961

독일 신음악 작곡가 칼 하인츠 슈톡하우젠이 작곡하고
아방가르드 음악가들이 참여한 해프닝 오르기날레의 1961년 공연과 백남준
Fluxus Film: Zen For Film (Nam June Paik, 1962-1964)
images parlées
Nam June Paik - Videofilm Concert (1965)
«Video Tape Study No. 3». 1967—1969, 04:00
«Beatles Electroniques». 1966—1969, 03:00
«Electronic Moon No. 2». 1969, 04:30
«Electronic Fables». 1965—1971, 1992, 08:45
«Waiting for Commercials». 1972, 06:45
«Electronic Yoga». 1972—1992, 07:30
Beatles Electronique (1966-69, 3 min, b&w and color, sound)
Electronic Moon #2 [1969]
Nam June Paik / Charlotte Moorman - TV Bra for Living Sculpture (1969) and Chamber
Nam Jun Paik TV [1969]
"The Medium Is The Medium - Nam June Paik clip [1970's]
Nam June Paik Edited for Television (1975)
John Cage playing amplified cacti and plant materials with a feather  [1984]
John Cage performing on Nam June Paik's TV special called 'Good Morning Mr. Orwell' from 1984. In the beginning, we see that Cage is joined by Takehisa Kosugi and one other unidentified person. perhaps they were performing a composition or improvisation that they would have done during a Merce Cunningham dance. there is also a cut away to a Joseph Bueys piano performance art piece.
Nam June Paik: Gallery 1995
from old Swatch Art website; check out http://swatch.home.pages.de