2013. 1. 27.

ars antiqua + ars nova [the 13-14th centuries]

organum duplum - Leonin(1135-1201)
with a painting by Duccio di Buoninsegna(1255-1319)
* ars antiqua [1160-1320]
Montpellier Manuscript, 13th c. : A Paris - On parole de batre
Motet: Je Langui-Domino-Pucelete [13th century, france]

'O mitissima Virgo Maria'
- from the Codex Bamberg (Germany, c1300) by an Anonymous composer.
Live performance by Lumina Vocal Ensemble and Lyrebyrd Consort.
LE JEU DE ROBIN ET DE MARION [parstourel, 1284]
- Adam de la Halle [troubadour, 1237?–1288]
* ars nova [14th century]
Guillaume de Machaut [france, 1300-1377]
- De bon espoir (17/25) [isorthythmic motet]
Jacopo da Bologna[italia,  the 14th Century]
- non al suo amante [Madrigals]

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